Get your p2x idea to the market


Join the national VILLUM P2X Fellowship Program - and get your excellent P2X idea boosted. We offer an intense 2-year fellowship under the national VILLUM P2X Accelerator program. Great research ideas with the potential for breaking through on the energy market are taken out of the lab towards the market. Apply to become a Fellow.

About the national VILLUM P2X Accelerator Program

The national P2X program provides full scientific and entrepreneurial support to Fellows throughout the fellowship period.

Danish university students and researchers produce several P2X ideas at the technological concept level every year. These could potentially work commercially, but many of them fail crossing the "valley of death" between research projects and viable start-ups or transfers to existing industry.

The national VILLUM P2X Accelerator gives such projects an enormous benefit with its structured, time-limited acceleration program. An acceleration with access to the right guidance and hardware infrastructure. With these right boundary conditions the pool of talent, creativity and sheer drive among Danish students and researchers will be accelerated towards success.

Let us help you get to the market!

DTU Skylab (c)DTU
Advisory Days at DTU Skylab


The center and the secretariat is located at DTU. As a national initiative it includes the following partners:


The VILLUM P2X Accelerator is funded by The Velux Foundations.